To Switz & Europe We Go!

31st Jan 2009 to Sometime in July 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Paradox of paradoxes, its all been a paradox.

That it can be a winter wonderland, yet such gloomy skies;
that grass is always greener on the other side;
and happiness can be so short lived.

What today brings, will never be the same tomorrow.
that with a single action, another can change my life, my mood so drastically;
and a picture never seems to be finished.

it seems ironical, that what wants in unity; can never be fulfilled,
as God made individuals to have their own choices.
But no one realizes, how much these choices affect another.

Sometimes I will not understand the choices another makes.
For even before consequences seem to arrive,
something was lost; something was never the same.
And it seems so lost in us, and hope gave up.

We can wonder for hours, days or even years;
we can search for answers, we can lose ourselves.
Our emotions runneth over, but yet we still remain not a step outside the zone in which we started with.
we can be in Zurich, yet still feel at home.
Home is still our refuge; God is still our refuge.
But while he is with us, why does our heart still feel empty?

Are we running on empty? Are we running with God, or are we
running races against the devil; and feeling so helpless and he seems to conquer our lives.
Can one trust God to vanquish these evil spirits, to warm our muscles, to help us run?
Or should we trust God for moving clouds, which sweep us off our feet; take us out of the race.
And still, there remains a million unanswered questions.

Can we simply say we listen to God, are all of us even capable of doing that?
Can we say we are right, or even half-right? That with God, we fear nothing?
But inside us, the paradox remains; we are trapped by the inadequacy of our finiteness;
stuck in the race to glory, our sinful hearts.

Each person is a paradox.
And 2 people is a paradox to the power of 2.
Give 5, take 32 in return.
But what if one person was a paradox in reverse?

That would totally mess things up...
Am i that paradox in reverse, or is he/she that paradox in reverse?

I don't know.
Ich einfach verstehe nicht.

But what i know, is where my trust lies, and where my trust was lost.
Where i'm right, and where I've gone wrong.
And thats the beauty of the Holy Spirit living in me.

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