To Switz & Europe We Go!

31st Jan 2009 to Sometime in July 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

On the Other Side.

I was talking to kings earlier online, but she had to go sleep for her grad ceremony the next day.

And i decided to continue writing what i thought here, so she could read it.
I was talking about crusade.

1. the staff that kinda understood my p.o.v. (at least where i was coming from) were leaving
2. there should be more focus on the evangelical foundations in crusade
and so on...

So i was telling her, that i'm really a conservative thinker. Many of the other students on exchange here have said i have a very narrow way of thinking, and i dun ever change from my values/perspective.
Which is weird...
beacuse, i was a scientologist when i was young, and turned into a fundamentalist just a few years back; before i finally subscribe to the "evangelical" way; that is the word of God is all encompassing and what we should follow, not just in the new testament, but in the wholesomeness of the bible.

and its interesting, because modern day christians think very radically different from christians in the previous generation. We believe, unequally yoke might be okay, we believe that prosperity gospel might be okay, we believe that women should have their rights and definitely be seen as equal and allowed to work, we believe that women can lead our church.

And although i might not be the perfect bible scholar, but i believe i've read and studied enough to know that my conservative values are probably right. That girls and women will probably think i'm chauvinistic to claim that women shouldn't concentrate so much on their work, but put their efforts into the family. That i'm too narrow minded to say that God planned for man to be at the head of the family, and the church. I've talked to the younger staff about much of this, and everytime; it seems like i'm wrong.

I understand we are living in a liberal world right now, and women stand on equal footing as men. And they always have, just that their roles are different. Its not that they are unimportant, rather it just seems their role is not as glamourous, but to me, definitely more important than working.

Likewise, i aslo believe that while the great comission has its place, it is important that each and every believer roots himself in the word. This issue came up because i always felt that the crusade materials that they gave us every week; was not helping me grow as a christian. That i was being felt the milk again, when i really needed the bread. And my old SM used to understand me, but yet, in other ways, i'm seen as a rebel for my opinions. There are also things, how i believe that not everyone should be doing "public" evangelism; because we are simply not called. And that you can't push everyone to do it; although we know we need to evangelize. I'm a good example of this, "i know its not my place, its not my gift".

To me, My christian values remain as firm as it should be.
Since primary school, i always remember my teacher saying that I was someone that kept hold to the principles i knew, and held fast to it.

And the funny thing is, the older generation definitely understands me. I've talked to many adults about my view points, and they definitely understand where I am coming from. They also agree with my point of view, and the values i have within me.

But sometimes around the younger ones (both christians and non-christians alike), i feel alone. Feel like i'm fighting a lost cause, that many ways of how God planned things to be will be lost by many. That my friends openly talk about their acceptance to premarital sex, about their acceptance of homosexuality, about how women should work if they earn more; make me sigh more, for the values are lost, and i can't change it in anyway.

Another more pertinent point is what this adult was saying about what he thought. About the "feel good factor", and how the young people just go to where it "feels good". Which is what is happening to many christians today, and as i was pointing out to one of my homegroup members here in switzerland. That the minute we say some new liberal christian value "is okay", thats the moment we have compromised on our christian values. E.g. homosexuality, we cannot say its wrong, but we can accept it. We might not even accept it, but we accept that other people can accept it. Or how it "feels good" just to be earning your money, or claiming that all the activities for fellowship are to really build up bonds, when its more of just fun and games for our personal pleasure.

And many of them (these younger generation) even refuse to listen to my point, choosing to argue their way through their own biblical interpretations. And i'm judged because i'm don't seem to be with the majority on this. Makes me JADED! but... i'm okay, i understand as well =)

And its funny, because a lot of biblical notions can be argued. The most common one is "we now live in a post-Jesus period, and as such, we live by the notion of grace and a life redeemed by the blood of Christ". But, then the biggest flaw is that we, as humans, as sinners; where have we not taken advantage of grace?

The best thing is that the bible shows clearly; the prophecies of all these!
And even if people don't believe me, its clear to see, its the end of the times.
And many prophecies about the degeneration of mankind's society is as plain as day.

I still wonder how people can think that I'm narrow minded.
Because i've always explored; and even one staff once told me, that i like to stay on the borders of christian values; i like to explore the boundaries.
I told him then: "that from that point, on that line, i get to see everything, that is why."
"but at the end of the day, i'm still firmly on God's side".

And the interesting thing is, now it seems, that so many others are "on the other side."

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