To Switz & Europe We Go!

31st Jan 2009 to Sometime in July 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

Blessed with a cute and sweet roomy

I guess I haven't really talked much about my roomy other than the time when i whined and got upset about her drinking. It's been 7 weeks now, and i must say, that i really thank God for her. Even though she's always pretty high, get frequent mood swings, and can get herself drunk quite easily, she's really adorable! One thing that i really admire and like about her is that she doesn't hide her emotions. She's doesn't put on a facade, and portrays who she really is all the time.

My roomy is a very happy-go-lucky girl who is always so optimistic and doesn't worry unnecessarily. Through these 7 weeks, she has unconsciously taught me to see things from a different perspective, to count my blessings and not focusing or worrying over little things. She gets happy so easily, and she makes me laugh so much. The fact that she's 2 years younger than me makes me feel like an elder sister to her. I've joked with her that i would want to adopt her as my younger sister haha! She's learning to be more sensible and practising more self-control over alcohols these days. There was a time when she started drinking in the room cos she was feeling very upset and vexed over something which i won't disclose, and it pains me to see her doing that. And i have to say that i'm really impressed with her teachable spirit. Ever since that only once incident that she got really drunk, she promised me that she won't drink to that extent again...and true enough, she didn't. She still drinks now and then, but she knows her limit and i'm really proud of her for that.

I finally have come to understand why God wanted me to have her as my room-mate. Many times i get to share about my relationship with matthias, and she'll ask questions about certain things..and from there, i can share a bit more about our faith. Perhaps one day i could share with her more about God. Haha, and on her facebook, she wrote "I love my roommate". So sweet and adorable she is, always making people around her happy.

That's my roomy :)

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