To Switz & Europe We Go!

31st Jan 2009 to Sometime in July 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Swiss Friends

It's really nice that we formed a project group with the locals today for one of our module, Environmental Sanitation in Developing Countries. We were quite a diverse group; 1 coming from Germany, 2 Singaporeans (that's us), and 2 locals! Both of us came here, wanting to make some swiss friends, and get to know more about their culture and their lifestyles but we both found it very hard despite us being very initiative already. The swiss students tend to keep among themselves and always sticking to their cliques...we felt as if we were aliens or something. But thank God for some really friendly swiss friends that we've made. Like Bea, she's really nice, she almost joined her usual clique to do the project, but decided to mix with us :) And she added that singaporeans doesn't seem very sociable (except for us! haha), but she said it was partly her fault too for she didn't make an effort to really speak to them. That was so nice of her. Other international friends that we've got to know from our classes are Isabella (from Austria), Clementine (from Switz), Rafael (from Switz), and Max (from Austria).

Thank God for them, for making us feel welcome here. It really means a great deal! =)

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